"Fibrelos"  is "Fibrin"

-finding in 2021

New Fibrelos Information ~ ©2021:


Briefing of what the Founder feels is the Cause of Fibrelos..."Fibrin" something we already have in our bodies to assist with clotting mechanism Founder connects the dots of the Fibrelos Study: finding that after injuries, the medication "Xarelto" calmed the areas of pain buildup under the skin (Unexplained Dermopathy connection & finding); pressures went down causing Fibromyalgia, Unexplained  Dermopathy, Raynaud's Phenomenon symptoms, and a new direction for the Fibrelos Study. This means the "Fibrelos" is actually "something" growing & manipulating inside our own bodies. See more in this abstract below:

...this is just the beginning of this section & finding:

"©Fibrelos" is "Fibrin???"

Fibrin & Fibrin's other Components -Fibrinogen, etc.

The Founder of The Fibrelos Study reviews her notes; pondering while researching; she feels this could be the overall answer to The Fibrelos Study:
The Fibrelos Study is representative of a few mystery diagnoses such as Fibromyalgia & Unexplained Dermopathy.  In 2021, after the Founder had injuries in May of 2020, she connected the possibility that Fibrin is actually 'Fibrelos Strands', and the tangling action of Fibrin causes a specific type of Blood Clot formation system to occur in the affected area of the body. 

...this is just the beginning of this section & finding:

A combination of Environment and Possibility of Fibrelos being Fibrin...a recap Plus~New in 2022: Plastic in Blood:

A study done by Susan Williams, Ph.D. (RIP) in 2010, discovered fish swimming in our waters in California's Pacific Ocean, contain "Plastics & Particles".  Our Founder saw a possibility of havoc in the human body if we eat fish continually from these parts of the world & possibly beyond.  This being in our food, brings to mind how everything in our gut can filter to other parts of the body through tissue, fluids, and blood...but through & make it to our Fibrin?

This is more of the mysteries of Fibrelos or is it Fibrin???... 

     Why does the Fibrin tangle in our bodies?  Our blood has clotting mechanisms and Fibrin is the net to keep the blood from flowing out of, per se, a cut on the surface of the skin:  the Fibrin net rushes-just as if it was catching a fish, then stops the blood from flowing out continually. 

  • But what happens when it clots that cut area, then continues into more & more & more tangles with other particles our bodies collect over time? 
  • Could this be our bodies reacting as well to the plastics our bodies are exposed to? 
  • Does the plastic add havoc in our Fibrin to possibly cause an even deeper & super clotting mechanism for someone with a "Clotting Problem"?  Then that injury could potentially be getting worse over time; possibly due to the Fibrin & Plastics making the Fibrin form stronger clots & cause the "Blood Clot Patient that  medications can't break through? Well, what does a person do?  Although this seems to be 'far fetched', it's actually fact, as our Founder opens our minds further to this.

     In addition to possible plastics exposure causing havoc to our Fibrin, there's the reason for this new abstract, which opens up blood clotting to: 'Issues of Tissues....let me explain further:

     Whether a person may have excess tissue, or injury has happened to the excess tissue, the answers to the pain issue could possibly be the excess tissue and/or injury causing our body's Fibrin to "Feel the Pressure Building" underneath the layers of skin & tissue.  This pressure the Fibrin is experiencing causes an interruption of it's normal function which is to clot, to "Tangle & Make Fibrelos/Fibrin Clots". 

     With regards to the 'Excess Tissue pushing on the injured or inactive Tissue', that by just 'being there', the Fibrin begins to 'React to the Pushing of the Tissue', and leads the Fibrin to react.  This brings in a presumptive belief the pain receptors send to the brain, a message of: "There's an injury", when it's only excess tissue (larger person-overweight person not exercising or inactive tissue (skinnier person not exercising) pushing on the other possibly injured tissue" & when this happens, the derma & dermatological layers of tissue up to the top of our skin, forms a sort of bump or pigment: "An intrusion of Soft Tissue/Derma layers" begin.  At times this "Intrusion" is visualized as the following possibilities:

  • "Bump/Pimple/White Center or;
  • Not/Red Bump or Flesh Tone" bump and/or formation
  • Possible: including the "Pigment Blue/Gray/Black Dot(s) on top of skin" that sends a message to the nerve receptors, that sends another message now signaling the brain "There's Pain" (Fibromyalgia is a belief of our Founder to be the "Tangling of the Fibrelos" in our Fibrelos Tangles System forming Fibrelos Clots & causing Fibrelos Fluid to build & fill the body is what begins the pain some refer to as "Fibromyalgia Pain")~Founder diagnosed in 2007 with Fibromyalgia: see more below)...
  • The bump and/or pigment and/or blue/gray/black dot(s) continue(s) to fester & grow beneath the top layer of skin while causing pain & pressure.  This increases the chance of Fibrin tangles beginning under the skin's surface.  The Fibrin then tangles into different formations; causing an interruption with a special clotting style 'Fibrelos Tangling Clot System' that increases the ratio & growth of more Fibrin in the specified area where the bump or pigment dot(s) is/are.  Is it then that this would translate to the answer...
  1. Is this the cause of Fibromyalgia
  2. Is this the cause of the Fibrelos Study's other 'Inner-Connected Mysterious Diseases' of the Fibrelos Study?
  3. Is this the cause as well as Unexplained Dermopathy?"  

     Further researching this mechanism, the Founder sees an article in 'Elsevier's 'Science Direct' about this very subject.  Click here to go to the link where in validating everything the Fibrelos Study documented, it seems as though "Fibrin" is the answer to "Fibrelos".  As Fibrin has the same look, movement(s), and clotting possibilities, it's the Fibrin, Fibrinogen, and Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) that are a possibility of what "The Fibrelos Study" represents in the "Notes" on this website of: Fibrelos Strands, Fibrelos Rock Clots, Fibrelos Tumors, Fibrelos Blood Clots and Fibrelos Fluid is.  Then the issue of Plastics Exposure to the human body: this is believed to strengthen our Fibrin to cause blood clots only Superman himself could break up...it's possible, and everyone believes in Superman, right?  It's goiing to take a super strong blood clog medication to break these things up if that's the case.  (to be continued.  These are beginning notes for this section.)

  White Flower Productions Copyright for this site: ©2000 - 2022

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©2000 - 2022 Copyright  "©The Branchworm Study - Phase I" , "©The Fibrelos Study - Phase II" & "©The Fibrelos Dry Study", "©Fibrelos" is under Copyright ©2000 - 2022 for the ©Fibromyalgia Lyme Disease Foundation (©F.L.D.F.), "©The Pin Prick Shunt" ©2000 - 2022 is under Copyright for the F.L.D.F. ", ©The Natural Flowing Biopsy", ©2000 - 2022 is under Copyright for the F.L.D.F. , ©2018-2022 The Lyme-No-Mo & Lyme No More Campaign are Presented by the F.L.D.F. ©2020-2022 Copyright Fibrelos Airborne Particle Research Abstract ©2020-2022,

"Fibrelos" is "Fibrin" -finding in 2021, ©2017 -2022